February 2022 Recap

Winter started off slow - January was cold and fairly dry. February changed everything! Consistent storms brought in a good amount of snow, and we were able to get outside and do plenty of skiing. Downhill skiing has become overly congested over the past few years, and even midweek skiing can often be crowded, so we once again focused a great deal on XC skiing this winter season and we can’t complain about it.

We’re not including a ton of photos for this post, mainly because February was incredibly active and busy! We got out and did a ton of skiing in our area, as well as a few trips to the White Mountains and Vermont. Earlier in the month we photographed an amazing luxury AirBnB elopement in Connecticut and we lucked out with some snow, even there. Natalie also worked pretty hard with not one but TWO winter elopements midweek on her own!

The latter part of the month we spent getting our van ready for the trip out to the great American southwest, more on that in the next update. For now, enjoy the video!